Thursday, March 24, 2011

My conceptual Infinity.

Okay, so some of you might know that one of the concepts in a comic of mine (which I haven't drawn yet) is a concept called "Infinity".
I created the concept of infinity due to my belief that (at the time I made it) god shouldn't favour anything it creates over another thing it creates. Also, I thought that god should make sense and shouldn't confuse people, in the sense that it should want things of us without also giving us a reason.

The result:"Infinity"

"Infinity" is everything. It is everything and nothing at all times. It is constantly destroying and creating everything. It exists in all demensions and takes up all space and yet no space. It grows and shrinks at the same time. It contains all knowledge about everything.

Things about infinity:
1. It cannot have a point or a perspective on anything. It sees every possible perspective and hence it cannot be biased. Opinions can only be formed with some sort of bias. Therefor it cannot have an opinion.
2. It thinks about everything and yet it forgets everything constantly in the same instance.
3. In a sense infinity is more like a collection of everything and it doesn't really have a conscience or a conciousness. Conciousnesses exist within it, but it as a whole doesn't have a collective one.
4. Due to that it contains knowledge and thoughts, but it doesn't think.
5. Time exists within it and it controls the things within it. However time as a whole doesn't affect infinity. This is how its creation and destruction of things can come in waves in certain areas where time (that it created) is slowing itself down, yet somewhere else in Infinity time is probably getting faster.
6. Infinity isn't bound by the laws of the Universe, however the things it creates are. For example, Infinity isn't affected by gravity, however if it creates a planet, that planet will have a gravitational pull.
7. If infinity does bind itself through the laws of the universe, it can and will unbind itself from those laws. In addition it will simultaniously loosen those laws somewhere else within it.

Now I hope you have grasped that concept for the most part. This is how my brain made sense of how a biased god actually exists.
Step 1: Infinity creates something with a conciousness, they ability to create and the ability to survive live. It then creates space within Infinity where Infinity can't create or destroy things within it naturally (think of it like a barrier, if the barrier is broken then the space is subject to infinity's normal creation/destructive randomness). Then the Being that was created by infinity creates the rest of the universe how its biased self sees fit.

That is how I made sense of what I saw to be a flawed god. I actually really like the concept.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This made me happy

Frommy good friend Adrian:
"anyway bud, world is full of cynics who assume a positive outlook means you are just some stupid kid, you just gota prepare for trouble, make sure you ignore it all and do what you want, when you gotta family make it double, cause the person you are when you date should be who you stay, to protect your world from devestation.
Try not to be too offensive and unit all people within your nation not divide and create hate, because the bad that is found in truth and love is always better than living a lie, so extend your reach to the stars above and try and live life to the full at the speed of light with your positive outlook, just remember, when everything goes wrong don't surrender now prepare to fight
Meowth thats right"

Monday, March 14, 2011

So its official

Believe it or not, the new GF and I have broken up.

Yes. Officially.


She didn't really have time for a relationship.

Do I detect a sense of deja vu? (Rebecca and Max?)
Oh well. I guess this is life for you. When life gives you goodness, take it. When it gives you shit, take it graciously then discard it carefully when you're alone.

What do I feel? Well simply its a mix of disappointment due to not being able to do everything I envisioned and "Figures". Yes, I expected this somewhat. I knew as soon as she told me that she was so busy, I knew I'd never be able to spend time with her.
Which is why, stupidly, I texted her almost daily to see if I could see her.

The problem is, I really like her and I still want to get to know her better. She seems so cool and I know, if given the chance, we can be really good friends. (Or more than friends is what I hoped)

It's such a shame that time was what ended this. I really didn't want it to end this way. While I think at the moment I'd rather have had a massive fight, I know I'm not thinking rationally. But I'm not satisfied with this...

And that means its gonna be harder for me to get over this.

What does one do in this situation? Bite the bullet. Let it go and just continue with life. Life has this amazing tendency to give you enough to make you happy for awhile and then undermine it. When life gives you the finger, there is no point getting angry. You can't fight life. It'll only punish you. You've just gotta take it in your stride and continue.

My older sister believes that if the GF didn't have time for me and won't make time for me then she's not worth it. In a way I think she's right and yet at the same time, I think she's wrong.

I just hope that eventually the now Ex2 will still want me and then she'll have time for me and then all my hopes and plans won't got to waste.
Anyway, its late and I should sleep. I'll catch you all later.

Signing out.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What we might not know about Charlie Sheen

Hey everyone, I've been watching a lot of Charlie Sheen interviews lately and several thoughts as to why he is acting the way he is came to me.

Here is the list:

1. His mind is actually programmed to run 4 times faster than normal people's minds. However this has caused him to be particularly spontanious and implusive due to the fact his mind hasn't been adjusted to be able to process all the stuff that comes out of his mouth.
2. He's secretly the love child of Chuck Norris and a tiger.
3. He's a super powered extraterestial from Mars, much like superman.
4. He's the Messiah of Scientology "I'm
5. He won "the game". "I'm Bi-Winning!"
6. He watched this and started mimicing Karl. (Two and a half Llamas)
7. He has a telepathic connection with the sun, who is controlling his mind due to the fact that its very lonely in space and the sun never really gets to party. This is the fuel for his "passion"
8. He's become addicted to video games
9. He drunk a can of powerthrist.
10. He's been having dreams that he's a fighter jet, and due to his lack of sleep he now can distingush between his dreams and reality. "I will destroy you in the air and deploy my ordanence to the ground" Perhaps he's made of biceps?

Charlie Sheen, your better on the net than you ever were on two and a half men.
Hope you life turns into the life you want it too.