Saturday, November 12, 2011

It has been awhile

So its been almost a term since I last posted. But I am posting now not becuase you are all fans and
I'm supplying you with stuff to keep you interested, I'm posting to vent.

I. Feel. Like. Shit.


Because I am so unorganised its painful (literally, I have a headacke due to lack of sleep)
I didn't hand my Uni work in on time. I don't want to fail and redo these subjects if I can. I feel unappreciated, unmotivated and angry at myself for my lack of organisation.

I even had to cancel seeing my girlfriend's performance to do Uni work and sleep in. I am a jerkface with a captial J.

In addition, tonight I have to look after my grumpy grandfather who is annoying and is depressed. Yeah I should feel sorry for him because he's lost the ability to move properly and he can't read and all that jazz. Yes I feel sorry for him, but at the moment I am just annoyed at how depressing his life is. All he does is nothing. Nothing but sit. Sit and complain. Why can't he do something about his life.

He says he can't walk, but he walks around the house all the time.
He says he can't read, but we gave him things to help him read.
He shits himself and pees himself because he can no longer feel it coming.
He constantly tells us he is not sleeping when he closes his eyes, then wakes up without knowing where he is.

His life is so depressing. If I were to be in his position I would still be doing things. Thinking about things. He does nothing. All he does is eat, sleep, grumble and shit.

If I were him, I'd think my life isn't worth living.