Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reality check

Every now and then there come a time where you entire world is questioned and what you previously thought about your existance is rethought.

For me, it came one night when I was sick. Yes, sickness does strange things to the mind.

Basically I had this really strange nightmare last night, and woke up in a hot sweat. The nightmare was basically that my bed had been used for some kind of physics experiment and I was drifting in and out of reality, while I was in it.
I broke dimentions, once I saw several copies of myself in the bed from above. Another time, time stopped and I was trapped in a moment that would never end.
Though, strangely I managed to find a way to get time going again, but then everything started racing and I found myself awake feeling super hot and thristy.

I have to say, that's one of scariest dreams I've ever had. Something about being stuck in one time and space for the rest of eternity really scared me. Despite that everything was actually black (as it was dark at midnight) everything was red in my mind, and I felt like a guinea pig in a science lab in the sense that there was all this stuff going on around me and I had no control over it. Not only that, but to be stuck in the same time and space means that I can't see friends, I can't do what I've planned for myself, I can't be the person I envisioned myself to be in the future. To have all your preconcieved ideas, throw up mercilessly into the air like that... Thank god I woke up.

However this happened several times as I drifted in and out of the same nightmare.
and finally peace at 7:30am where I got up.

Made me really wonder where are we? Like not just on earth, but in the universe and what dimension are we in? What commands time? How insignificant am I, where I am completely at the mercy of time and dimensions.

It made me realise how much I liked "solid" and "true" things. Things that make sense and are undeniably true. But then again, who says that anything around us is true? Regardless, for my piece of mind, I like to know that things like rain, water, ground and air always exist and that the universe, regardless of my state, will always be there to comfort me and let me know that it still works.


  1. http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/

  2. Wow. Crazy, crazy dream. Hope you feel better soon <3
