Monday, March 14, 2011

So its official

Believe it or not, the new GF and I have broken up.

Yes. Officially.


She didn't really have time for a relationship.

Do I detect a sense of deja vu? (Rebecca and Max?)
Oh well. I guess this is life for you. When life gives you goodness, take it. When it gives you shit, take it graciously then discard it carefully when you're alone.

What do I feel? Well simply its a mix of disappointment due to not being able to do everything I envisioned and "Figures". Yes, I expected this somewhat. I knew as soon as she told me that she was so busy, I knew I'd never be able to spend time with her.
Which is why, stupidly, I texted her almost daily to see if I could see her.

The problem is, I really like her and I still want to get to know her better. She seems so cool and I know, if given the chance, we can be really good friends. (Or more than friends is what I hoped)

It's such a shame that time was what ended this. I really didn't want it to end this way. While I think at the moment I'd rather have had a massive fight, I know I'm not thinking rationally. But I'm not satisfied with this...

And that means its gonna be harder for me to get over this.

What does one do in this situation? Bite the bullet. Let it go and just continue with life. Life has this amazing tendency to give you enough to make you happy for awhile and then undermine it. When life gives you the finger, there is no point getting angry. You can't fight life. It'll only punish you. You've just gotta take it in your stride and continue.

My older sister believes that if the GF didn't have time for me and won't make time for me then she's not worth it. In a way I think she's right and yet at the same time, I think she's wrong.

I just hope that eventually the now Ex2 will still want me and then she'll have time for me and then all my hopes and plans won't got to waste.
Anyway, its late and I should sleep. I'll catch you all later.

Signing out.

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