Monday, July 18, 2011

My Life over the last long was it again?

Hello everyone. Its been a long time since I posted on this blog and its about time I gave everyone an update on what's been happening in my life. I've been very busy and I'm gonna take the time to say what I've done.

Right so here are the areas of my life that have changed:

Uni is really fun. For those of you how have forget, I'm doing Communication Design at Swinburne in Prahran. I did 4 subjects last semester and I'm doing another 4 this semester. The 4 subjects i've done are:
20th Century Design: Basically design history and design philosophy
Design Studio: An explorational way of tackling design, where us students are encouraged to experiment with different ways of drawing or making marks or whatever. Its mostly done without computers, which was interesting.
Introduction to Communication Design: The basics of communication through pictures and graphics. Also it turned out to be very explorational in its approach too.
Typography: The study of text and type and its history. Really quite interesting.

Overall I've had a great time time with in my classes. I've loved all my subjects, but I liked typography the least, and loved my tutors for both Design Studio and Introduction to Communication Design. I learned some great lessons from my Typography teachers and my Intro teacher about presentation and the development of graphic ideas. Things like I've learnt that i'm really very good at doing bold things, but I haven't really explored subtly. This was really good feeback as its dimension of design which I haven't really explored yet. I've also learn that the more you explore the better your design will be. Mrs Clarke always told me "Ideas are King", but this has never been so true till now as ideas in this course really are the most important thing. The second most important thing is execution. You might have a 20 million dollar idea, but thats useless if you don't turn it into something that is worth 20 million dollars.
Anyway I could rant on about Uni all day, so I'll leave it there.

Here were my marks:
20th Century Design: D
Design Studio: C
Introduction to Communication Design: C
Typography: C

I was happy with these marks, but I reckon I'm a D's student, so I'm going to try and aim higher.

For those of you who do not know yet, I work at Subway in Prahran. Now I'm getting my own money I'm not getting mum to pay for things like transport or Uni course expenses (mostly printing costs). The idea of working there has been to work there after my days at Uni. Sadly though, I haven't had a day there where I've actually gone there after Uni. And I've only been doing night shifts or closing shifts, which end at midnight. The biggest issue is that there is no public transport at that time of night, so I have no way to get home except by parental or Taxi, and I hate to pay for Taxis and the parentals hate picking me up at those times.
Aside from that, the job is fun. People love me at subway. I get tips, people love my singing, and I'm not a slow worker. And the pay isn't bompletely horrible. Its about $14 an hour which isn't bad as my shifts are about 6 hours in length. The people there are also really nice, so aside from my shift times and lack of public transport, thumbs up all round.

In other good news, about 5 days ago I had an interview for Game Traders in Chadstone. The guy seemed to like me so I hope I get the job. Chadstone is a lot easier to get to incomparison to Prahran, so we'll see what happens. I mean he did ask me for a Resume and a cover letter so he must be pretty confident that I can do the job. FINGERS CROSSED!

Normally my activities would be Youth Group and Choir, however I've decided to take up a long awaited activity I've been meaning to try, a martial art. Luckily, one of my friends, Luke, goes and does Ninjutsu every week and I've been tagging along. It's lots of fun and there are enough lessons so I can go around Uni and work. Its not very expensive and its made me realise a few things about my body too. Oh yeah and it keeps me in good shape. Sadly though, becuase of work I've had to stop going to youth group as its on a friday night, which I suppose is a problem, but I've stopped learning new things at Youth Group anyway. Choir is heaps of fun as usual. I"m in a 5 person male singing group called Icthy Crochets, which is hilarious and heaps of fun. Yeah also these holidays I helped Viv with her year 12 film, which took up a good weeks worth of time, but was very fun.

Family life
My family life is a bit of a problem with me. As I grow up and gain my independance, my family (mainly my mother) grows more and more needy. She grows more needy because of Papa, who has been living with us for over a year now. Papa, with age, is getting increasingly slower, getting pain in new areas of his body and feeling even more scared about death and depressed about the fact that he cannot do all the things he has wanted to because his eyes, reflexes, muscles or mind just aren't up to the task. All he does all day is read, sleep, eat, drink alcohol and get confused because he doesn't know what new age stuff we are all taking about. This has been taxing on my mother and her nerves and time and because of which she has needed my help even more than ever. Along with the parties she has had to throw for myself, my dad and my older sister, she has been unable to find time for herself (as usual). This makes her stressed and annoyed at me, because I'm here most of the time. Dads is about as emotionally useful as pretty goldfish. In fact, he's even worse than a pretty goldfish as his clothes need washing and he needs to be fed. He talks a lot and works but can't really help mum deal with her emotional issues due to his inability to take any form of stress. So the job to help my mother goes to me. Which sucks as I don't want to do what I want with my life and don't really wanna be weighed down by my families issues.

As usual my relationships with my friends has been really good. I'm happy I've been able to see them so much these holidays. I'm looking forward to catching up with my Uni friends a little more as now all my friends in highschool have gone back to school. So that will be good. As many of you might know I've got a girlfriend. She's brilliant for me and cares for me and what I do. We often have a great time together and we've been on about 5 or so dates by now and many other small get togethers. Her name is Talia and we communicate almost everyday. Its great. I love her and she loves me and its all gooey goodness. I mean there is a slight issue that she's 15, but I don't really find that an issue when we're together. I probably should date someone my age, but I didn't know her age when we started going out and she's probably the best girlfriend I've had so far as she has time for me, she organises get togethers and she actually cares about me, which is a massive improvement on the last two. SHE IS INTERESTED IN MY CARD GAME! (so obvoiusly, she must be the one, lol jokes). But yeah she's very good for me.

Personal Goals
As most of you know I've got quite a few personal goals in my life. lately I've been concentrating on my card game. This is mainly due to Card game day. Aside from that, the goal has been getting through my video games, books and other such things. Recently, however I made a goal to draw a super awesome comic/cookbook for my friend as she loves food. I dunno how long its gonna be, but I've set out the panels already and I'm pretty sure its gonna be awesome.

Hope thats enough information to inform you of my recent life.
Thanks for reading!

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