Monday, May 16, 2011

Pokemon Hits and Misses part 1

I am an avid fan of Pokemon. I have played all the games except the Black and White (I'm yet to get a copy of it) and beaten them all. I've attempted to catch them and failed in every game. I'm not a pokenerd, however I do like competitive pokemon battling. There is still much I have to learn, but from what I do know, there are a few things in the pokemon world that seriously suck and somethings with are AWESOME.

This update is dedicated to that.


Honestly, if people get paid to make up pokemon, the person who made this should give everyone who caught it, saw it and battled it a refund. It looks pretty terrible, its moves are pretty terrible and its so aweful it reminds me of an idiot. They should have named this pokemon "HerpaDerp".

And its evolution is even worse:

LOOK AT THIS THING! What is up with its eyebrows? Its fat and its also a water type. This is an insult to water pokemon. Its also really weak...


- Mime Jr.

There is very little I have to say about this pokemon that can't be explained just by looking at it. Its pink. It's got twiggy arms. It looks like its wearing a skirt (as is about to evolve into Mr. Mime?). It looks like its got a blue pile of poo for a hat. If that isn't enough for you to hate it, its voice on the TV show is terrible and it follows around after Team rocket. Enough said?

- Wynaut

When I first see this pokemon I see two things. It stands on balls to hold itself up (impractical and possibly painful) and it's got a MASSIVE pimple. The next thing I see is that its tail has an eye on it. Aren't pokemon supposed to be wild animals? if so, why do Wynaut exist? It wouldn't be able to move away quickly enough to run from any kind of animal, if it tripped and fell it'd be in MASSIVE PAIN (and probably not be able to get back up again) and that eye on its tail is just waiting to be blinded. Also its blue, it would attract predators.

- Slaking

Slaking is a pokemon that supposed to be a sloth crossed with a gorilla, which in itself isn't a bad concept. However part of this pokemon's problem is its REALLY ANNOYING. Its annoying due to the fact that half of every battle you use it in it is "loafing around",which means it does NOTHING. Not only that but it evolves from one of the most pimping pokemon out there, Vigoroth. And you wanna know the most annoying thing? If it didn't sleep all the time, it'd quiet easily be the strongest normal type pokemon due to its INSANE HEALTH, INSANE attack and INCREDIBLE attack pool. But due to the fact it sleeps half the time, it's just plain stupid.

- Gulpin

Gulpin is an issue mainly cause it looks like a blob. Usually, this wouldn't be an issue, (Look at Ditto for example), but it doesn't make sense taht it can eat everything. Firstly, if you've ever seen it open its mouth, its mouth cavity takes up ALL OF THE SPACE INSIDE ITS TINY FRAME. It actually has no space for organs. Its pretty evident that its either a zombie or a freak of nature. Also, when its not eating, WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT'S TRYING TO KISS SOMETHING?

- Tangrowth

Tangrowth is an issue only because its a dodgy evolution of Tangela. It grows arms? Lame! I mean Tangela was a grass type based on a vine-like GORGON! And then it grows arms, fat and stubby legs and slightly taller? Why not grow SNAKES AS ITS HAIR?!?!?!? There was so much potential for something awesome, but it turned out terrible.


MISS (kinda)

At first I hated this pokemon. Its an icecream. It's not a pokemon. Its actually an icecream. It doesn't even look like anything besides an icecream. And it has a face. Its an icecream with a face (Watch out, it'll bite back), so its not like its even appetising. However, once I thought about it a bit I realised something. Its actaully hilarious. Imagine training this into a killing machine and winning with it. You'd be slaughtering your opponents....WITH.. AN... ICECREAM. It would be epic. However it sucks that "Lick" isn't super effective against it.

- WooBat

Its a Furball with a love heart for a nose and two bat wings. Sorry, but this is just so rediculous I cannot accept it. You send out Woobat, I send out Charmander. What is that Woobat gonna do, LOVE ME TO DEATH? I just don't see why it was created. ITS NOT EVEN CUTE! ITS UGLY!

So this is electabuzz's evolved form. The first problem with this is that it doesn't follow electabuzz's cool patterns. It's black stripe down the centre look pretty terrible and the black fur either side of it looks strange. the second and more important problem is WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE THINGS COMING OUT OF ITS BACK? I think they are supposed to be electrical cables, but they look a tad too much like tenticles, which reminds me of various other things THAT SHOULDN'T BE MENTIONED, nor exist.

Thats it for now. Tell me which pokemon you hate too. :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'm sorry readers for not posting often. I'll post a post tomorrow after I get his essay in ORDER!

I'm thinking I'm gonna make the next post about the High and Lows of Pokemon.