Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A poem for a friend

They told me of their problems and I listened. I tried to be empathetic and wrote this poem as if I were them. I hope that if they read it, it makes them feel better.

The Fallen Angel

That melting feeling wasn’t pretty,
Neither was it kind,
How could a present, horrible given,
Make me, in rage, so blind?

You promised me everything,
Whispered in my ear,
Told me you loved me,
You held me dear.

How can you leave me?
So confident, carefree,
When I’m melting away,
Melting into a sea

It’s my sea of misery,
Black sea of pain,
I’m deep in it, deep.
My body’s going lame.

I used to fly over this sea,
Wings broad and strong,
I thought nothing could stop me,
Oh how I was wrong.

You clipped my wings,
Snip, snip, snap, snap,
With no remorse you broke them,
I fell into your trap.

I fell to the ground,
Your support long gone,
I stood up with my shattered heart,
And began to be withdrawn.

Are you happy now? Now you’re free?
Now you’re free of your ties to me?
I hope you’re happy, you heartless wretch,
You’ve left me with only misery.

But I poured that out,
The black water in my chest,
I took a breath of air,
And so began my test.

Brick by brick I’ll build myself strong,
And cutting you out of my mind,
I’ll move forward, grow new wings,
And flying, leave you behind.

Cya later everyone.

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