Friday, May 21, 2010

Previous blog archive post

I'm sick of my previous blog screwing up so I copied all the stories and poems and I'll paste it here:

No More

I can call up a breeze, but no more.
I can make water freeze, but no more.
I can call up a fire, hot as Lucifer's breath,
I can heal a man, from within a inch of their death,
But no more.

I can sharpen swords,
and strengthen shields,
I can lengthen sight for miles,
stop pain a man feels,
I can multiply food,
and nulify poison,
I can do all this,
With the path I have chosen.

Killing a man is within my power,
For that I know for sure,
But I can only ever weaken a man,
After that, I can do no more.


To settle with sameness,
or cause a change?
To stick with one,
Or make a range?

To wither with indifference
or grow in Chaos' claws?
Should I like the same,
in life and likeness,
or risk my stability,
in chance's jaws?

My life is only as good as I make it,
So I had better make it well.
So I'll take this change; It might be good,
And leave time to tell.

The story "School Ties":

Blog story Chapter 1 part 1
It was just as it had always been. Wake up, eat breakfast consisting of cheap cereal and full cream milk, dodge a slipper thrown from an angry morning sibling fight, make lunch (though this is a new addition so maybe it isn't all as it has always been), pack the school bag and walk out of the chaotic household that is what Dane reluctantly calls home. Now outside he enjoys walking away from the madness. The sound and pressure he is under seems to drift away in the distance as he walks away from them. Now in a relative state of medicrety he walks down the street, across the road, down another street and gets on to the main road. Dane stopped after a few more metres. Cars smeared by leaving trails of grungy smells until the bus arrived.
The 511 was Dane's ride to school, however it did go further onto other suburbs of little importance. The trip usually took a good 15 minutes to get at Dane's desired location. He trudged up the lane of the bus and headed to his seat 3 rows from the back. His seat was the window seat. No-one else ever sat there because of the large amounts of graffiti on the window but also the back of the seat infront of it. Also parts of the cushion had been ripped by what looked like old knive swipes. Most people would be put off by such signs, but Dane knew the gang that had caused it had long since moved on to different areas. No-one else ever sat in his seat, well, until today.
Dane stopped 2 rows ahead of his seat. He scans the face of the person sitting in his seat quizzically. What kind of person sits in my seat? he thinks to himself. She look rather tall in comparison to most of the other girls he knew and her artificial black coloured hair hung slightly past her shoulders. Dane saw she was attractive, but not his type. Plus, he wasn't in the mood to talk. The bus ride was usually used either as valuable time to think or valuable time not to think. Either way, neither required him to talk and he liked it that way.
Dane looked out the window. He saw onwards to the speeding world, everything moving and changing. He felt as though he was in a time capsule. A completely different time to that world outside the window. Somehow two worlds were divided by a pane of glass and a scratch of graffiti. Dane let his gaze drift as he let himself fall into his own sanctuary in his head and let himself go until the bus stops at the street next to his school wear he gets off and heads to another chaotic world.
As Dane heads off towards the gate he doesn't notice the person following him. Their steps are small and almost shy. Which seems right as this is there first day at their new school. Or perhaps the steps are more predatory? Which could also explain why this character has changed schools. One thing that is true, though, is the way their hair is always jet black, just like their heart. Or at least she sees herself that way.

Chapter 2 Part 1
Dane's first two classes drifted by. Maths and English. His teachers were just briefing the class on what work they would do in the semester. Pretty self explanitory if someone was actually bothered to read the textbooks. The recess bell chimed in a lifted Dane's spirits. "Finally" Dane whispered to himself. He quickly got an apple from his locker and ate it in haste as he walked to the library. Dane hoped to borrow the final book in the Awakening series by Christoph Gavini, "The Rising Light". He'd read the entire series on the holidays. He read through "The First Adventurer" out of boredom, through "Trail of a Phantom" in intrigue, through "Dark Remnants" in fascination, through "The Dead Plan" in anticipation hoped to get his hands on the conclusion "The Rising Light". He walked in, approached the shelf it was supposed to be on and scanned the titles. It was missing. Dane had ordered the entire series innto the library just incase he thought it was going to be as good as the cover, so Dane knew it had to be there. He went on to the library computer and searched the library database for the book. One result came up.

"The Rising Light" by Christoph Gavini - On loan to Anna Jacha

"What?" Dane retorted quietly but in a way that showed his mounting frustration. He grumbled and gave the name a death stare. He won't forget the name Anna Jacha till he gets his hands on that book. Dane logged out of the library account and spent the rest of recess putting spaces in the username bar, changing the login settings, moving the window out of the screen and doing anything he could do to make it impossible for the next person to login. That'll teach them

This day just keeps getting better and better Anna thought. She was at her locker, which since the beginning of the day had become the object of someone's entertainment and been trashed. Anna found several notes that had been left by the culprits. Most of them she ignored as they mostly commented on her appearance and ever since she realised girls that bitching about other girls looks get no-one anywhere she has complete disregarded any attempts at listening to insults about how she looks. Though she did take note of one of them. "Where's your razor, emo girl? I couldn't find it in your bag. Though I did like some of the other things in there. Thanks for the supplies." Anna studied the handwriting on this note. Once she would have been hellbent on hunting down this person down and making their life a living hell. Actually she is still hellbent on hunting this person down, but this time Anna pledged to herself she would serve up retribution using teachers and evidence this time, instead of serving up retribution with pranks and personal humiliation like last time.

The next class she had was Art. Art was Anna's passion. She hoped she'd have a good art teacher in this school. Her favourite teacher of her entire lifetime was her previous art teacher, Mrs. Samite. Mrs. Samite looked half as beautiful as her art physically, but her joy, enthusiasm and open mind was what really made her a beautiful person and a great teacher. She was Anna's role model. Probably one of the only things she missed from her old school.

"Hey! You're the new girl aren't cha?" said a voice from behind her, abruptly destroying Anna's nostalgia.
Before Anna could even turn round the owner of the voice was face to face to her and so close Anna was almost going cross-eyed.
"Yeah, I am the new girl." She replied cautiously
"Pleased to meet cha! I'm Mary. Mary-anne. What's your name?" Mary said with a smile
"Um, my name's Anna."
"Anne? Then your like me!"
"No, its pronounced Anna"
"Yeah, yeah. Same thing. Anyway, are you going to art?"
"Yes I am."
"Cool. I'm going there too! We can be buddies!"

This is going to be a long day...

Chapter 2 Part 2
The previous part of this story can be read at

Dear Diary,

I still find it strange that even when I'm given a new opportunity in this new school I still manage to get something annoying happen to me. Bloody hell. Those friggin girls went through my locker. I hate idiots like them. I wish those popular airheads had something better to do with their time than call me an Emo. I'm not emo, I had dye my hair black cause I think its looks better than boring old brown. EEEEEeeeerrrrgh and my art teacher at this school SUCKS! Oh my gosh, I couldn't imagine a worse an art teacher except that old hag we had one time in primary school who kept yelling at us and complaining of hot flushes and menopause. This art teacher is called Mr. Nerp (What a strange, strange name) and he's a pervert. He spent the first half of lesson introducing himself and talking. He spent the next half over ever girls’ shoulders, supposedly looking at how well they draw and not their cleavage. Where is the inspiring ideas? The tossing around of thoughts? The expression and flare? I saw none of that today.... Just plain old drawing practise.

At least the rest of the day passed relatively well. The rest of my teachers are okay so far. As for the students, there was this girl who came up to me today. Like fully in my face. I don’t know about most people, but the space between my face and the air I breathe is my personal space and she broke that. Aside from that she’s kinda loud and energetic, which is....discomforting.

On the bright side though, I got that book I wanted to read. I decided not to start on the bus today because I wanted to keep my bag away from prying hands that may want to steal what remaining things I have. And how could I let "the Rising Light" be stolen! I held that bag tightly all the way home. I sat in the same seat and that boy who didn't talk sat next to me again. He looks a the depressed/angry silent type. It think it's to do with how he does his hair....

Anyway, on the whole, the day was pretty lame. Hopefully tomorrow brightens up a bit. After all, there is hockey training after school. Hopefully my fellow player's won't be idiots.



Once again it was just as it had always been. Wake up, eat breakfast consisting of cheap cereal and full cream milk, dodge a slipper thrown from an angry morning sibling fight, make lunch, pack the school bag and walk out of the chaotic household that is what Dane reluctantly calls home. Except today he paused. He walked back into the house with curiosity.

"Hey mum, how was your new job?" Dane asked her.
"That's funny Dane. You're taking an interesting the rest of the family." She replied with a smirk.
Dane frowned.
"To tell you the truth Dane, I can't say from the first day. It's strange having an office job cause I've never had one before. It's nothing like my previous career"
"Nothing is like your previous career..."
"Looking after you kids is" she replied almost laughing.
Dane's mother had worked at a zoo, caring for the monkey and pig enclosures until she had become pregnant. Since then she never went back as she never had the time. Only recently has she gone back to work. Dane in a way felt sorry for his mother. Ever since the divorce its been hard. His father was the main income supplier for the family, while his mother looked after the kids. Though he rarely saw his father now, he didn't feel as though it had changed much as he didn't see his father much before either. His father was the hard working type. The type of man you'd expect to not want a family as it would hinder his career. He was also an opportunist, so if a seductive woman where to come his way, despite his marriage, he'd take the chance of not spending the night alone. Dane wondered how his mother and father fell in love in the first place becasue they seemed like such polar opposites.

"Anyway, you should ask me this at a different time. I have to be out the door at the same time as you do nowhere days. Talk to me after work"
"But I didn't see you last night at all! I had to make my own dinner and everything"
"That's cause you go to bed early. If you'd stayed up till 10 you could have seen me. Talk to me tonight"

With that his mother grabbed a piece of toast, shoved it in her mouth and rushed off towards the car. Dane sighed.
He looked around and checked that the house was mostly in order.

Clothes strewn all over the floor? Check.

Dishes waiting to be cleaned? Check.

Siblings fighting while getting ready for school? Check....wait a second.

Alexander hadn't quite got his socks on right. He had a yellow one on his left foot and a blue one on his right and Mia, the only girl in the house aside from his mother, was still in her pyjamas. Alexander, the youngest of the two, had hit Mia hard in the nose with his bag because she was touching his favourite keychain. The end result was a broken keychain, a blood nose and two crying children.

Dane wasn't going to get to school on time...

[b]School Ties (hockey game part 2)[/b]
Dane and Anna's hockey teams have just been playing a ripper game of hockey. read the previous post at

The hockey ball shot from Anna's hockey stick right into the middle of the goal. A defender manage to put their stick in between the ball and the goal but it was at the wrong angle. The ball bounced off the stick and went into the net. Anna had scored.

The Anna's team erupted with cheers, though it was short lived as the game had not ended yet. There was 30 seconds left of play time.

"Anna, great job! But we need you in defense again. We don't want to loose this lead." Frank told Anna.
Anna frowned but agree, reluctantly. She hoped the coach would see it a different way after the game.

The ball began again from the centre. It was quickly passed from the centre player to one of the players on the flanks. Dane rushed from in from his position halfway on the field and ran down the pitch for all his life was worth. He was determined to make up for his failure. The ball was luckily passed his way and he dodged one of the opposition’s defenders.

There was 15 seconds of time left in the game.

Dane closed in on and prepared to shoot for the goal his team needed to draw. He aimed and swung. TWACK! Had he hit the ball?

Anna saw the player rush out of their position and miraculously dodge on of the defenders, but she wasn’t going to let him get passed her. She charged towards him and got ready to tackle. He was open and he reared up to take a shot. She only had seconds to decide what to do. She lowered her hockey stick and stretched with all she had.

TWACK! Dane’s strike had such force that Anna’s hockey stick flew out of her hand and into her shins. The ball sped off, but because of Anna’s interception it rolled off to one side, away from the goals. Anna screamed of pain and victory. The whistle went. The game was over.

Dane angrily wacked the ground with his hockey stick. He knew he shouldn’t but he did it anyway. He stomped away scowling at himself and realized how furious he was. He took a deep breath and convinced himself that he needed to be a good sport, not that he really cared that much. He shook hands with the other team and gave that girl who blocked him a good glare. He wouldn’t forget that face. Wait a second. Had he seen her before?

Anna limped over to her teammates and rejoiced. They hoisted her up on their shoulders and paraded around in their elation. They had won. After a few seconds of ecstasy they realized they hadn’t shook hand with the other team and they let Anna down. Every player quickly shook hands with the opposition. Anna worked her way down the line carelessly giving the standard “good game” until she came to the boy she stopped. He grabbed her hand almost roughly and looked her in the eye. Did she know him from somewhere?

The boy’s expression changed to a more quizzical look. So did Frank’s face. They had been shaking hands for a good 10 seconds now and looking strangely at each other. Anna pulled her hand away.

“I’m sorry, but do you two know each other?” Frank mused.
“I think so. You’re the guy who sits next to me on the bus” said Anna.
“Actually, you stole my usual seat on the bus. I used to sit there before you did.” Dane replied.
“Oh, I didn’t know”
Dan irritably voiced “Good game” and was off. Anna stood there bewildered by the events that had just passed. She shook her head briefly and regained her composure. She had a win to enjoy.
“We won guys!” She cried.
Applause and cheers erupted from her team. It had been a good day.

For now…

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