Sunday, July 18, 2010

My reintroduction to Blogging.

It's been awhile since I last posted something here. Sorry people. This is due to year 12 and being in Bye Bye Birdie and getting a girlfriend and my 18th birthday and everything else I've been trying to do....

Anyway, this entry is more of a philosophical one. And the subject of today? What is a good life?

This all came from several of things that have happened recently. In my daydreaming I recalled a conversation I had with someone which went a bit like this:
"So what's your goal in life?"
"To have a good life?"

But what is a good life?

Well society tells us we'll have a good life if:
1. We grow up to be nice, strong and sexy people.
2. We go through schooling and go to university
3. We get jobs we love and become successful
4. We don't do drugs or drink huge amounts of alcohol
5. We get married (however this has largely reduced in recent years)
6. We have friends
7. We don't get involved in crime
8. We have aspiriations and goals
9. We have certain new technologies and gadgets (plasma TV, Ipod, etc.)
10. We have a house
Or something of the sort.
How correct is society? Is the life that we are told to follow the one that makes us happiest?

And I watched the movie "Fight Club" last night and by the end my mind had been well and truely pulled, pushed, warped and played with. I was really wound up. Hence I asked myself this question.

But how many of the things I've just listed do we really need?

Humans only need Food, water, and shelther to keep living, but how much other stuff do we need?
Not to mention how many of these things will lead to a good life?

I guess the idea of a good life completely depends on the person who is asking the question. My idea of a good life is where I'm satisfied with myself and what I do.
So I think my life is good as long as I sing, or draw or make stories and do something I love. My life is great if I have additional things taht make me happy. Like my lovely, briliant, awesome girlfriend. (Takes a moment to be smitten thinking of her).
But what if I camp for my whole life? Why do I need a house?
If I already know what I want to do with my life, why should I continue to learn new stuff at school if I already know everything I need to get it going?
Do the electronic products we buy really make us happy? what is the difference between a plasma TV and a regular one when it boils down to it? Looks mainly...
And this one is mostly inspired by fight club) since when is it so bad to fight as long as you aren't looking for something to kill? Why do men like fighting?
And who says you can't be happy being a Hermit up in the mountains? Where no-one will find you?
What is wrong with sleeping around as long as you don't get STDs?
And I know this sounds extremely childish, but why can't I do what I want whenever it comes into my mind?

But then again, if I sacrifice things i already have in life in order to increase my quality of life, will it really improve my life?

I guess the answer to all of these questions is:
"What feels right?",
"What will get you want you want in the end?"
and "What things do you want to avoid?"
Once you have established the answers to each of these 3 questions you can get an idea of what kind of answers you have to each of the other questions.

I don't have a point to make about this really, but its an interesting thing to think about.


  1. Oh Jon, Fight Club has sent you into a frenzy of existentialism.

    I think, you can do what you want, as long as it doesn't adversely affect others.

  2. "I guess the idea of a good life completely depends on the person who is asking the question. My idea of a good life is where I'm satisfied with myself and what I do."

    Rephrasing the question into the form of an answer.
