Saturday, October 2, 2010

Back to the normal

I named this post back to the normal. Well, maybe its not so normal, but it's at least a state of stablity, which is what I need at the moment.
This is what has been going on lately:
1. Grandfather has been particularly sick and getting very old.
2. Mother has needed lots of support, because she's stuggling looking after Papa and keeping herself sane.
3. My girlfriend was being a little vague and strange lately, and really down. There was nothing I could really do. So, until I called her recently this was really getting me down.
4. Dad isn't home
5. I should be studying, but I haven't been. I've been doing Viscom instead.
6. Haven't been out much, which is probably a good thing really :P
7. Crown choir rehersals (This is very much a yay)
8. Trio practise
9. Yesterday I spent some time with Hamish and that was really good.
10. My animation got into the youth film festival :D :D :D :D :D :D !!!!!!!

How I feel about it all?
Well, whenever mum shows any form of weakness it gets me down. I mean its mum. She's my constant, reliable person to talk to....usually. Whenever she's feeling insecure or she just can't cope anymore with the daily emotional pressures of life. This is usually rare, but lately its been a bit more common due to papa living with us and being sick and falling over and stuff.
Dad also isn't home to give mum support. Not that he gives her much when he is home, as he likes to live in his own world of horse racing, football and computers, but regardless, she feels more at ease when he is here. It must be the fact that he's a strong male protector and she loves him so much.
Papa has been coughing and wheezing, his face is swollen every morning because his skin can't handle the pressure of his own heads weight on a pillow anymore, his back is incredibly arched, he has almost no balance left, his right eye is completely blood shot at all times at the moment and he's finding it hard to button up his shirt and this morning he lost his teeth. Every moment I have to look back just to make sure everything is okay and that he hasn't fallen. So its a bit stressful. But I love him, so helping him out is fine.
Not to mention the GF said some really strange stuff last tuesday because she was feeling down (although I didn't know that at the time). I was wondering if she liked me at all at one point. I comtemplated breaking up with her if she didn't like me and life was nothing but a flood boggy of sadness for about 4 days were I finally felt strong enough to call her and sort things out. Though not much has changed, I feel heaps better about it all now and know that she does, infact, like me. But then again, she said all that cause she was feeling down, and there is still nothing I can do to make her feel better. It's so bad that she doesn't even want to meet up. So if I'm a little stressed later, bare with me.
Aside from all that lots of good things have happened in the last 2 days. I got pretty much all of my viscom done (Mega feel good achievement), I get to have trio practise (also mega feel good), Crown is back on (yay!) and I saw Hamish yesterday and played some Magic, so I'm really feeling like myself again.
On a super positive note. My animation got into the Monash Film Festival! WOOOHOO!!! Check Facebook for more details on that.
So I've had a very up and down holiday so far, but I'm feeling good for school, which is a relief.

Action plan from here on:
Get ready for school and study my brain out. Then pick up my brain, stuff it back in and settle it back in with some music and repeat. English Exam in 25 days. Eeepp

1 comment:

  1. Take your gf dancing? That always gets most people feeling better.
