Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Balancing act - Management lesson

Life is all about balance. Right?
I've come to think that its less about balance and more about placement. "Placement?" you probably ask. "What do you mean by placement?"

Now for those of you who like tetris (I know there are a few) life is more like a game of tetris. Imagine that the tetris board is the amount of time you have and the pieces are the amount of activities you have or want to do. Whenever a new acitivity comes along you must fit it within the amount of time you have.

Ideally, I prefer to have things on. However I also like my relaxation time. I must fit both within my time. Not only that but household jobs, education commitments, social commitments and spending time with friends all clutter up my tetris board.

Thing is, I'm not very good at playing this kind of Tetris, as my pieces don't often offer a perfect fit, as I often forget things, turn up late, or have to cancel at the last minute.

This also means that sometimes I don't get to do things I want to do. Like draw or read or just bum around. These might not seem like much, but to me their very important. THey help me establish who I am creatively and my creativity is a huge part of who I am. Something i'm probably not giving enough time. (but holidays are also good to see friends and I've been doing that)

Speaking of which I had better fit sleep in there somewhere. Sleep is a magical little piece. It gets smaller on demand, with the occasional side effect of warping everything. But for the most part it's very handy.

This is one of the skills I need to work on this year. Getting better at organisational Tetris. Although it'll be easier once I get a job and start uni, I'mpretty sure for me, this is a difficult task.

Never the less, improving in this area is what this year is all about.
Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. My other tutor said I'm meant to plan out every moment of this yr, perhaps you should do the same?

    That and get a personal organizer, a book or blackberry. Also you can set the multiple alarm clocks on your phone.

    Good Luck
