Friday, February 11, 2011

Optimistic Pessimism

Firstly I'd like to say that while I write this I"m drinking Malibo, which is delicious (coconut flavoured alcohol) mainly cause its weak and mum opened it and didn't like it.

Lately I realised that I've been saying one of my life mottos a lot. Its a pretty good motto and has helped me greatly in life.

Here it is: "Expect the worst, but hope for the best"

Now I said it, your probably wondering what this all means. This is what it boils down to.
Dream for the stars, try and reach them, but don't count on achieving them. Don't put all your eggs in one basket if your not prepared to let all the eggs break.
While it seems pretty bleak its a good rule.

It prevents you from overcommiting yourself to something emotionally, so if you happen to lose it it doesn't feel as though your entire world of blown up dreams is crashing down.

On the other hand it also makes you try and get the best you possibly can, because you hope you can do it and can see yourself trying to do it. When you do try, you work hard toward the highest goal you know you can attain and then you try and work higher.

However, if you fail, no harm done.

Works for jobs, life and relationships.


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