Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lunch time FTW!

Lunch time is probably one of my favourite times of the day. It is good because it is only ever either busy (Due to family relatives coming over for a good time)or very peaceful and calm. And at lunch time all your thinking about is lunch. which is good.

It's better than dinner because at dinner you also feel inclined to sit round a table with your family and listen to what everyone has done that day. While this might seem better than lunch due to the social experience of your loving family, anyone who has lived in a family like mine (even for a day) would know dinner table conversation often ends up in a fight, an arguement, someone complaining about something you don't care about or people are too tired and grumpy to have a proper civilised meal. In addition, dinner conversation is completely subject to the what good shows are on the telly. If a good show is on, dinner table conversation will be completely muted in favour of whoever's face is on the screen. (However, in televisions defence, at least the face on the TV doesn't argue with you).

Lunch time, unlike other meals of the day, offers quiet time for reflection and idea generation, which as a creative thinker I find very valuable. It is at times like lunch time where I can come up with stories and concepts that help me realise things about myself and who I am. For some strange reason, lunch time is where these ideas come to me most clearly, and it is due to this personal phenomenon lunchtime gives me a greater amount of satisfaction in comparison to any other meal time.

Due to lunchtime I re-realised my belief that people are fundamentally good and that I have faith in humanity. I like making stories and coming up with ideas that make people value the world that they live in. Ultimately we're stuck in this world, so why focus on the negative if you don't have a positive to work towards? This is why I want people to see the positives in their live and appreciate them and I want to include that into all the creative work I do.

I hope by reading this you'll realise the value in a time of the day you probably didn't really think much about before. So, next time you find yourself munchin on deliciousness at (close to) midday, take a moment to admire the time you have to think.

In short, lunchtime FTW!

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