Monday, May 10, 2010

ANGRY Angry Anger!!!!!!

As you can probably guess I'm pissed off. Why? Well that's simple.

This is because my one of my teachers is going to try and take me out of the musical because I'm not keeping up with my homework.

So you think: "Well you're not doing your homework, so therefor she has a point"
and I think: "Yes I agree with that....BUT!"

This musical is not the problem. My part is small in comparison to other parts and it doesn't affect my homework much at all. The problem is my own time management.

Not to mention what right does she have to take me out of the musical (which is one of the things that gives me drive, makes me happy and keeps me sane) when it is my decision and part of my life? She should know that my life is my own and that if I don't do the homework (which isn't even going to any marks or anything) I should still have the right to do things I love as this life is mine. Plus I don't work well under stress and if I'm stressed I produce bad work. This is another reason I'm annoyed at her, because she thinks that if i'm stressed more then I'm going to do better work, thats just not how my brain works.

I really like the way one of my other teachers teaches me. He treats me as an individual and he understands that if I work hard thats my job. He just provides the work and what I need to know. If I'm behind its just a simple "you need to catch up" and that is the end of it. This way there is no stress and I can still enjoy his classes and the subject without ripping myself apart in my mind over whether or not I'm going to be growled at. I actually want to do well in his subject because it's my responsibility, not because a teacher is telling me "YOU MUST DO WELL IN THIS OR ELSE". When a teacher takes the "DO WELL OR ELSE" style approach I don't want to do well in class because I want to and I don't look forward to their lessons.

If she wants to interfer with my life like this and take away something I have worked hard to try and get then I shall interfer in her job and not hand in any homework for her subject. I shall still study for my SACs as that is part of my life, but if she acts outside her bubble of influence and power then I'm going to pop it.

Teachers should know that they are teachers and should teach me what I need to know to do well in year 12, not meddle in my life as she does not know what is best for my brain or my emotional health.

The best teachers I have had have been supportive ones that understand that if I don't put the work in that is my responsibility and that treat me as an equal. They have made me or kept me interested in the subject and I have done well because I haven't stressed. I have also noticed that all the subjects I have done badly in have either been because I had a teacher that didn't teach well (1 particular year 7 subject) or I have not actually liked and hence had no drive (Maths... I appologise to all my maths teachers if I was ever a pain) or I have had teachers that applied too much stress on me (last year of french and methods).

I don't want to only just pass again....

1 comment:

  1. Teachers I have found are much more than just people who teach you more than what you need to know.
