Friday, May 7, 2010

Story update

School ties continued. Go to for the previous entry

Dane didn’t believe what he saw. The girl who beat him in hockey just hit the leader of the Serpents in the in the balls. He stood there frozen in shock.

“Holy cow! Now she’s done it.” He thought.

The leader of the Serpents rushed at Anna as best he could after the blow he’d taken and grabbed her arms. Anna tried to flick up her hockey stick at his face but he grabbed it and pulled it, attempting to wrench it from her grasp.

“Help me!” Anna screamed at Dane.

The leader looked at Dane, winced in pain, then looked at Anna and back again. He burst into laughter and winced again.

“You seriously think Dane is gonna help you? Hahaha...Ouch… Dane, it has been a while”
Dane looked up, his face now shifting from shocked to serious.
“It has, it has. Where have you been for the last year Gritz?”
“Just spreading my turf in different suburbs” Gritz replied, suddenly recovering.
“That’s not what I heard.”
“The details are details, they don’t matter. So wanna join the Serpents again?”
Dane dropped his head and smirked.
“So you weren’t successful in the other suburbs?”
“What do you mean Dane?” Gritz rebuked, suddenly changing his tone.
“Well you’re asking me to join the gang. You’re recruiting. Why would you need to do that if you were successful? You would already have had a suburban army if everything had gone your way”
Gritz sneered.
“So what if I failed. Regardless, it shouldn’t change your decision. Are you with me or are you against me?”

The serious mask warped back into Dane’s face. For a moment he just stared into Gritz’s eyes, trying to read his mind. Finding nothing of substance, as usual, he looked down.
“What should I do?” Dane wondered. “Do I rejoin again and go through everything that happened last time? It was fun, but where did it get me? Hmmm…”

Suddenly Dane snapped. He had decided. He launched himself at Gritz. Anna, who was still being held by Gritz tried to pull herself away with her hockey stick but Gritz wouldn’t let go. The Serpents realized their leader was being attacked and charged in to help. Dane didn’t have much time. Gritz suddenly realized what was happening and kicked Anna in the chest to force her to let go of the hockey stick. It worked. Dane realized this and punched Gritz’s bicep hard. Gritz let go with one of his hand and before he realized what was happening the hockey stick was twisted out of his other. Dane had a chance. He whipped the stick around and struck at Gritz’s ribs. Gritz buckled over in pain.
“and now it’s time to leave” Dane thought.

“Hey! Chick! If you value your life, RUN LIKE HELL” Dane screamed.

Anna picked up her stuff and ran as hard as she could. She ran up a back street and round a block in the hope that she’d lose anyone who was following her. She ran all the way to the next bus stop on her line and hunched over in a panting delirium. She looked round. No-one was following her and there was not a gang member in sight. Phew. She sat down at the bus stop and let herself go. The bus arrived at the stop and opened it’s doors. “There has just been too much drama this afternoon” Anna sighed as she walked up to the bus, “with that boy and all… WAIT A MINUTE! He has my hockey stick!”

Before Anna could say another word she turned round. Dane came running in a mad frenzy down the back street she had just run from, complete with her broken hockey stick and an angry gang about 10 meters behind. Anna stood in the bus doorway, gaping in horror.
“What is with that boy?” she thought
The bus door began to close and Dane sprinted for all he was worth. Anna, realizing he was aiming to get on the bus quickly moved out of the doorway.
“Excuse me sir, could you keep the door open till that boy gets on?” she asked the bus driver. The bus driver just flicked as switch and the doors began to open again. Within seconds Dane was on the bus, rasping at the bus driver “Close the door! Close the door!”
The bus driver took one look at the gang and realized it would really ruin his day. He slammed on the accelerator and closed the doors, leaving the serpents in the exhaust trail.
They were fine.

“You’re crazy you know.” Anna told Dane.
“You’re just as crazy! You hit Gritz in the balls with a hockey stick!” Dane panted in reply.
“You were in their gang before!”
“So what? Plus that was a year ago. You should be grateful! I busted my gut to save you!”
“Yes, good point. Thanks”
“I can’t believe I did that. And after you humiliated me in hockey”
“Hey, don’t blame me if I’m better than you”
Dane frowned.
“What’s your name anyway, my savior?” Anna said with a hint of sarcasm.
“Dane, if you must know.”
Anna waited expectantly.
“Don’t you want to know my name?”
“Quite frankly, all I want to know you as is ‘rival’”

Anna smirked. Oh well. If he wants to be antisocial, so be it. I’ll just read my book. Anna sifted through her bag and brought out “The Rising Light” and began to read it. Dane froze.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Dane said. “You’re Anna?!?”

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