Thursday, December 30, 2010

New year reflections and resolutions

Man, there is so much to talk about. For anyone reading this post, its mainly a reflection on my year of year of experience and how well/how badly it has gone.

Firstly, I'd like to explain that this year was the year of Experience. by this it means that I wanted to become experienced in certain area's of my life and gain a whole new bunch of experiences. I wanted to feel skilled as a person not only in my art, music and academic, but to becomes adept with dealing with people.

Overall, I feel that I have achieved a lot. However, a lot of this was because I turned 18. Here are the new things I experienced in 2010:

1. I was finishing VCE. (hence major stress)
2. Having a girlfriend.
3. Breaking up with a girlfriend.
4. Being a lead role in Bye Bye Birdie.
5. Finishing school.
6. Having my first drink.
7. Driving for the first time.
8. Doing my own washing and ironing (at home)
9. Budjeting my money
10. Experiencing crown from a long time member's point of view
(oh yeah, and visiting a strip club which is an experience I'd rather forget)

Lots of these were jsut due to growing older and being 18. So in that sense it was an easy year. Though, getting a lead role in the musical and having a girlfriend were based mainly off skill or luck. So those I can consider major achievements.

All the things I did were mostly good and I had a blast, but in a way the more new things i experienced, the less time I had to become experiened in the things I wanted to become skilled in. Luckily I had school to cover for some of this. My viscom folio forced me to become better skilled with using computers and my art, which a huge relief. Same thing for media and the Trio.

Actually on a side note about the trio. THANK GOD for the trio. I love it so much. It's really good at keeping my music senses trained and strong. Plus, singing is one of the things I was born to do. I just love it. Also Hamish is awesome and Shawn is a friggin music GENIUS. So tis a great social atmosphere.

My year has been a big year of soaring highs and my lowest ever lows. So I guess you could call it bitter sweet. I think I'll call it bitter sweet like lemon meringne tart.

I'm sure Kevin Rudd can relate.

So what now? Well, due to my lack of organisation this year, next year is gonna be my year of management. I need to learn how to manage myself and the things I do better. I've left too many people with expectations of me and I've let them down all because I haven't been organised enough. I'd like apologise for that, and please know that next I will be working on it.

In conclusion, I'd like to thank people this year who have made me feel better or myself or just been there for me when it mattered (in jokes included) (and yes this will sound very gay, but it's hard to be sentimental and not sound gay):
Luke Williams - You are the sugar to my life. You make everything that little be better. It's friggin magic man. MAGIC!

Hamish Gould - My beloved prince and clone. You make me feel like myself, you are there for me when I'm down and though your inexperience in life often makes your advice not quite right, you've got a heart of gold and a great mind. Thank you as always.

Vivienne Mah - My councilor. Whenever I need to talk about love problems you are always there to listen. Your enthusiasm is infectious and it brightens my spirits when I'm down. You're a bundle of brilliance.

Sharon Lin - My other councilor. You're a great friend and you're always there to listen to me. I like your taste in things too. It's pretty awesome. Any time I'm with you you add 1/10th of an improvement of my day to my day. You make average days good and you make good days great.

Ravindu - My Sri Lankin homeboy. You make everything funny. Love having a good laugh with you. Don't ever change cause any adjustment could only decrease your awesomeness. You are THE awesome. THE awesome. If you look up awesome in the dictionary, your face should be next to it.

Chris Cini - My Maltese bro. I really appreciate the talks we had on schoolies man. You're mah bro and we be bros for friggin ever. MALTESE PRIDE FTW!

Adrian - For being the same as always and having an abundance of intelligence with a subtle wise undertone. I really like it. Even if it is like 200 times faster than I can think.

Alan Nyugen - My frees buddy. Thanks for making frees really interesting and showing me a whole heap of awesome anime and manga related things.

Andrew Bates - Batesy Boy. You make everything more Batesy flavoured. While, to some, it is an acquired taste, I thoroughly enjoy it. We should hang out more. Also your a good hugger and I admire your confidence. Sorry if I wasn't there all the times you needed me.

Beth Camier - Thanks for helping me realise things about myself.

For all those who weren't mentioned, you still mean a lot to me as you were probably prodominant in a different year of my life.

Till then, I hope you all have a happy new year.
See you in 2011!

Jonathan Calleja

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