Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just a word.

It has been a awhile since I posted anything and I think it's time for you people to get another snippet of my busy life, cause you know, you probably want to read about it since your reading my blog.

In a way, you're all stalkers, but not really as I'm giving you information about my life willingly and pretty much saying "HERE IS MY LIFE! READ ABOUT IT!" and I strangely enjoy it. So, if this is your preferred stalking method, please continue.
Man that sounded weird, but you probably expect that from me.

Yes, Life. It's supposed to be boring at the moment as I'm not supposed to have anything to do. However, being the crazy person I am, I have managed to fill up almost all my time with things to do. For example, I'm trying to do something with the trio, now officially named TripleClef. (see us on youtube here:
I'm also, once again, in the crown christmas choir and I'm earning monies doing what I love. Singing. In addition to that, I've had this dance concert, I've got a job today removing grass from a woman's lawn and I also been helping Hamish's folks move. So it's been long and busy. But never-the-less it's fun.

Tomorrow is the day I get my VCE results back. I hope I do well enough. I really have no idea what I'm going to get. Luckily I already know I've got a place in TAFE (well 2 actually) and I still have a chance of getting into Uni, so who knows.

It'd be kind of strange for me to finish my posts without a poem or a philosophical comment, so here's a question or two for you all.

What makes you happy?
If you are happy do you have a good life?

Post your answers in the comments. Serious answers please (or make them very funny).
Till then,
Lots of love,

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