Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yesterday, the clubbing that almost was.

Yesterday was probably one of the most public transport using days of my life, as I caught the bus, the tram and the train all numerous times to get to different places. Where do you ask? well here is where I went and what happened:

Place: VicRoads
Major Events: The L's test.
What happened: I had the test. I was pretty nervous the entire time (my heart was pumping blood so hard I heard it in my ears). I passed. I found out I needed something official that had my address on it. I didn't have it. I took the bus back home as mum didn't want to drive me, got my VCE results letter, went back via bus (the whole process of travel took about 1 hour and 30 mins) and handed it in. I got my photo taken andmy L's reciept.

Later that day.....

Place: Myer business building in Docklands
Major Events: Being a Myer christmas angel
What happened: Along with a group of chime people. (Dougal, Hamish, Anne Matsi, Robin and 3 other girls whose names escape me). We (the seagulls as we where nicknamed) performed for the mostly greatful group of business men and women at the myer party. The gig was mostly iffy and it appeared that no-one heard us, as no-one stood and listened, they just went on chatting. But who cares. I got paid and had an awesome time :) And also, the next time I see those cooks, I could almost kiss one as they provided me with dinner in my time of EXTREME hunger (as I had forgotten lunch :S). Also the praising Hamish jokes continued. He is no longer just good enough to be a good prince, but a good angel as well :P

Even later that day....

Place: Outside Cheers nightclub in Hawthorn
Major Events: Clubbing (or almost)
What happened: I got there at 9:30 and waited outside for people to arrive who said they'd be there at around 8 or 9. They rung up and said they wouldn't be there by 10. Then I went for a stroll around Hawthorn as I didn't want to go into a club for my first time without having mates nearby. I was trying to play it safe. A lot of people going to these clubs looked really.... how do I say this.... overly lively, as if they were looking for some kinda of action and didn't care if it was at the expense of someone else. One of the night club bouncers called me a pretty boy, however he kinda muttered it to his mates. I dunno if I should take that as a compliment or an insult, or advice not to go clubbing in a good shirt and pants, but instead go with some kinda Assassin's Creed style hoody and long baggy pants or skinny jeans. Oh well, the whole experience was fun once some of my old friends arrived. I had a great talk with Jarod and still consider him a really good bloke. The main reason I went (to be truthful) was because two girls asked me to come ( i know I'm so shallow) and one of them was very good looking and seemed to like me despite having a boyfriend. Strange. Another person I once knew smoked a ciggie infront of me and despite my disgust, I tried not to make him feel bad for doing it. I played the indifferent card at the time, even though on the inside I wanted to slap him and stamp out the infernal ciggie.

On the way home

Place: Syndal train station
Major Events: Waiting for my mother who so kindly offered to pick me up.
What happened: I was waiting by a lamp post and a group of youths who had jsut come of the train all started running at me. At one point my mind was going WTF mate? But I'd already seem some crazy shiz that night and I was tired, so I could be bothered moving. In the end they just ran right past me and yelled out to the girls they had left behind "HE DIDN"T MOVE!" and yelled back at me "YOU RUINED THE FUN!"
My reply: "Sorry! Have a nice night"
At least that was a laugh.

I finally got to bed at 1am and slept till 10am, so I'm actually really happy with myself. 9 hours sleep is great.
Anyway, despite that its 8 days from the end of the year of experience, it appears that I'm still experiencing lots of stuff I didn't even know I would. What a good year it's been.



  1. XD Pretty boy, I think that means they think you're gay.

    Also don't go out late at night without a pocket knife ;).

  2. Guys, pocket knives are dangerous and illigal as Jack stated. If I want to protect myself properly, I'll wear chain mail under my shirt :)
